Scary Green Grandpa Alien for PC

Stop looking for the best app, we have found it for you. With a pretty good average note of 4.4, Scary Green Grandpa Alien is THE application you need to have. And the 500,000 persons who have already install it will tell you the same.

Images of Scary Green Grandpa Alien


Scary Green Grandpa Alien in details

If you are interested, some numbers may please you :

  • The latest version of this application is 2.0
  • Last update was on February 22, 2019.
  • The category of the app is: Scary Dudes
  • The total number of downloads is: 500,000
  • And the OS you need to use or play on PC/Mac : Windows (XP, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Vista, Windows 7) and Mac OS (macOS Sierra, macOS High Sierra, OS X 10.11, OS X 10.10

Last update details

-New exciting levels added
-Mega Offer added
-Level improvements
-Now user can watch rewarded video to play daily missions

Description of Scary Green Grandpa Alien

Here is a short description of the app to let you know more about it :

Green Alien has lost his pals in the town of kidnappers. It is up to him to keep undetected and rescue his friends from these ruthless kidnappers. During this mission green alien has to overcome many obstacles and complete several dangerous and thrilling tasks. Being undetected wont easy as there are dogs and cameras to locate any intruder. Green Alien has to muster the courage and save his friends, as he is their only and last hope.
Use the joystick to run in any direction and slide on screen to rotate view. These easy controls will help you in keeping an eye on the entire area. Tap on the items to collect them and Tap on action Button to perform it.
The Spooky environment and scary sound effects will keep the suspense and thrill level at its peak. Its creepy missions will offers you hours of fun and excitement. Let’s download and have FUN!
Mysterious Journey!
Realistic Sound and Amazing Graphics!
Addictive Game Play!
Interesting Missions!
Smooth Controls!

Scary Green Grandpa Alien on PC and Mac

To have it yourself on your computer Mac or PC, you just have to follow the steps below :

  • Click here => Download Bluestacks <= to install Bluestack, or here => Download Nox for PCDownload Nox <= to install Nox App Player
  • Once the emulator loaded on your computer, you can launch it and search for “Scary Green Grandpa Alien” from the store
  • Then, install Scary Green Grandpa Alien and enjoy it from your own computer

Download Scary Green Grandpa Alien on your smartphone

If you prefer to have it on your smartphone, it is also easy to download it :

Scary Green Grandpa Alien on Android phone

  • Open your Play Store
  • On the research bar, write Scary Green Grandpa Alien and “OK”
  • Once you have found the app you are looking for, click to install it
  • Wait and then enjoy using the application

Scary Green Grandpa Alien on iPhone or iPad

  • Launch the App Store
  • Type to found Scary Green Grandpa Alien and then install it
  • The dowload may take a few seconds or minute, and be set on your smartphone or tablet
  • You just have to click on the app to use it