Old City Craft for PC

Stop looking for the best app, we have found it for you. With a pretty good average note of 3.6, Old City Craft is THE application you need to have. And the 100,000 persons who have already install it will tell you the same.

Images of Old City Craft


Old City Craft in details

If you are interested, some numbers may please you :

  • The latest version of this application is 6.3.3.city.crafting
  • Last update was on January 5, 2019.
  • The category of the app is: Zoo Crafting Game Studio
  • The total number of downloads is: 100,000
  • And the OS you need to use or play on PC/Mac : Windows (XP, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Vista, Windows 7) and Mac OS (macOS Sierra, macOS High Sierra, OS X 10.11, OS X 10.10

Last update details

Old City Craft
V5.3.3.city.crafting Old City Craft fix bug.
V6.3.3.city.crafting Old City Craft fix anr problem.

Description of Old City Craft

Here is a short description of the app to let you know more about it :

Old City Craft. Creative and Survival in Mini Castle City.
Old City Craft is one of the best combination of exploration games.
Old City Craft is design for crafting & building things. No need for third-party building or design app!

Old City Craft features:
1. Amazing 3D Graphics.
2. Big city world.
3. Walk mode and Fly mode.
4. Up to 29 terrains can be used to crafting and building. Including Air, Bedrock, Dirt, Soil, Limestone, Granite so on.
5. Up to 48 plants can be used to crafting and building. Including Oak Wood, Birch Wood, Spruce Wood, Oak Leaves, Birch Leaves, Spruce Leaves, Tall Spruce Leaves, Tall Grass, Rye, so on.
6. Up to 29 constructions can be used to crafting and building. Including Planks, Cobblestone, Stone Bricks, Brick Wall, Marble, Malachite Block, Solid Diamond Block, Solid Iron Block, Solid Copper Block, Semiconductor Block, Glassand so on.
7. Up to 74 items can be used to crafting and building. Including Brick, Snowball, Wooden Door, Iron Door, Cell Door, Wooden Trap door, Cell Trap door, Wooden Ladder, Iron Ladder, Wicker Lamp, Torch, Stick, Iron Ingot, Copper Ingot, Rod, Crafting Table and so on.
8. Up to 71 tools can be used to crafting and building. Including Wooden Shovel, Stone Shovel, Copper Shovel, Iron Shovel, Diamond Edge Shovel, Wooden Pickaxe, Stone Pickaxe, Copper Pickaxe, Iron Pickaxe, Diamond Tip Pickaxe, Wooden Axe, Stone Axe, Copper Axe, Iron Axe, Diamond Edge Axe, Wooden Rake, Stone Rake and so on.
9. Up to 500 painted blocks can be used to crafting and building.
10. Many kinds for animals. Including pig, Zebra, lion, tiger, cow, duck, dog, fish, unicorn, horse, rhino and so on.

Thanks for your download Old City Craft. In this game you can learn how to build castle and house. Enjoy crafting!

Old City Craft on PC and Mac

To have it yourself on your computer Mac or PC, you just have to follow the steps below :

  • Click here => Download Bluestacks <= to install Bluestack, or here => Download Nox for PCDownload Nox <= to install Nox App Player
  • Once the emulator loaded on your computer, you can launch it and search for “Old City Craft” from the store
  • Then, install Old City Craft and enjoy it from your own computer

Download Old City Craft on your smartphone

If you prefer to have it on your smartphone, it is also easy to download it :

Old City Craft on Android phone

  • Open your Play Store
  • On the research bar, write Old City Craft and “OK”
  • Once you have found the app you are looking for, click to install it
  • Wait and then enjoy using the application

Old City Craft on iPhone or iPad

  • Launch the App Store
  • Type to found Old City Craft and then install it
  • The dowload may take a few seconds or minute, and be set on your smartphone or tablet
  • You just have to click on the app to use it